Graphics Programs Reference
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10. Select the point at X = 3, Y = 1 and drag it to the left until it reaches somewhere
around 2.5 on the X axis.
Notice that when you start to drag in one axis, the movement is already locked to
that axis. This is very convenient as it allows you to change only what you want
to change without having to hold any modifier keys ( FIGURE 7.11 ) .
Figure 7.11. HueKeyer's results in the Viewer.
Surprisingly, this is not a bad key for such a simple keyer. Although some keying
a key from any range ofcolors. The downside to the HueKeyer is that it can't key
uration threshold, does give control over saturation). It doesn't have fine-tuning
Put the HueKeyer aside for now and we'll move on to another keying node.
The IBK: Image Based Keyer
The IBK consists of two nodes: The first is the IBKColour node and the second is the
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