Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 7.6
Types of learning platform uses as reported by schools with examples of activities
(younie and leask 2009)
Types of learning
platform use
School examples of activities and functionality
usage/access statistics
Pupil records (tracking, monitoring, reporting pupil progress and attainment)
whole-school data management
some problems with interoperability of sIms (school information
management systems) and mIs (management information systems)-
these do not always pick up pupil assessment data from the learning
platform or publish to the learning platform
Communication and
information giving
Enhancing school identity and links to the wider community
connections between family of schools (inter-school communication)
whole-school online notice board; department areas; forums (intra-
school communication)
home-school links (parental communication)
Announcements /news and updates
Public display boards with links to information and documents such as
uniform lists, order forms, clubs and parental news
Calendar: publishing to parents and pupils key dates of trips, school
plays, parents evenings, sporting fixtures
Podcasting: linked with pupil assessment tasks. audio files used with less
able readers; mFl learning activities in native language. music and songs
(revision rapping of core knowledge) posted on youTube
Storage of curriculum materials/online learning resources; links to
websites for departments/subject areas
Teachers: communal construction of knowledge. For example: designing
resources for sharing; through evaluation of resources; facilitating
discursive activity; sharing of lesson plans
Pupils: Video conferencing; use of online collaborative games
Wikis: for collaborative group work
Virtual classroom : extending home/school links
Forums: discussion/chat rooms
Learning and
ePortfolios: uploading and showcasing of pupils' work
Pupils' folders and teachers' folders are available to access externally from
Self-assessment/peer assessment: formative self-assessment: using
quizzes, multiple choice tests, revision exercises
Formative assessment and feedback: pupils upload files, which are
peer-reviewed using a forum for example: reviews of a book or website;
group presentations; electronic teacher feedback on assessments
(Continued )
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