Information Technology Reference
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Table 7.5
Spreadsheet skills
converting a spreadsheet into a chart
labelling a chart
adding simple formulae/functions to cells
applying formatting to different types of data including
numbers and dates
Presentation skills
Inserting text and images on a slide
Inserting a slide in a presentation
adding a transition between slides
adding buttons to a presentation
source: bennett and leask (2009) an editable version of table 7.5 is available here: www.routledge.
the curriculum were using learning platforms to support structured and unstruc-
tured independent study and collaborative learning for pupils, but most schools
were still developing this level of use. Younie & Leask (2013) found the role of the
learning platform as an information repository was well established in schools, as
was its support for administration and communication between staff, pupils, and
parents. However, assessment practice and learning support using the learning plat-
form was developing more slowly, with schools being at quite different stages. It was
the exception to find schools which were making more advanced uses of the interac-
tive and collaborative features of learning platforms.
Learning platforms or virtual learning environments
Becta (2006) defines a learning platform as an online environment, bringing together
hardware, software and supporting services to enable more effective ways of working
within and outside the classroom and between school and home. Learning platforms
provide a range of technology-based functions supporting content management for
lesson materials and coursework which can be accessed at home or at school; cur-
riculum mapping and planning; learner engagement; administration and communi-
cation tools including email, instant messaging, discussion forums, wikis and blogs.
Younie and Leask's research on learning platforms (2009) reports that universities
were many years ahead of schools in the use of online learning platforms to support
teaching and learning and remote access. Teachers who have been university students
recently should be able to transfer their knowledge from their university experience
into the school context. Examples of the use of learning platforms in schools are
given in Table 7.6 and further detailed advice about choosing learning platforms is
given in Chapter 9.
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