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m =( M T ) 1 n ,
where we are assuming that M is invertible.
We can therefore conclude that the covector
φ n transforms to the covector
φ ( M T ) 1 n . For this reason, the inverse transpose is sometimes referred to as the
covector transformation or (because of its frequent application to normal vec-
tors) the normal transform. Note that if we choose to write covectors as row
vectors, then th e t ranspose is not needed, but we have to multiply the row vector
on the right by M 1 .
The normal transform, in its natural mathematical setting, goes in the opposite
direction: It takes a normal vector in the codomain of T M and produces one in the
domain; the matrix for this adjoint transformation is M T . Because we need to
use it in the other direction, we end up with an inverse as well.
Taking our shearing transformation, T 3 , as an example, when written in xyw -
space the matrix M for the transformation is
and hence M is
while the normal transform is
( M 1 ) T = 1
= 10
φ n , where n = 2
, for example, becomes the covector
Hence the covector
φ m ,
where m = 10
n = 2
Inline Exercise 10.24: (a) Find an equation (in coordinates, not vector form)
for a line passing through the point P =( 1, 1 ) , with normal vector n = 2
(b) Find a second point Q on this line. (c) Find P = T 3 ( P ) and Q = T 3 ( Q ) ,
and a coordinate equation of the line joining P
and Q . (d) Verify that the
normal to this second line is in fact proportional to m = 2
, confirming
that the normal transform really did properly transform the normal vector to
this line.
Inline Exercise 10.25: We assumed that the matrix M was invertible when we
computed the normal transform. Give an intuitive explanation of why, if M is
degenerate (i.e., not invertible), it's impossible to define a normal transform.
Hint: Suppose that u , in the discussion above, is sent to 0 by M , but that u
is nonzero.
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