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For the cylinder, the two curvatures we've described are in fact the maximum
and minimum possible over all surface directions u at P . Because of this, they
are called the principal curvatures, typically denoted
κ 2 , with the associ-
ated directions being called the principal directions. (One approach to expressive
rendering for surfaces involves drawing strokes aligned with one or two principal
directions [Int97].) The two principal directions are orthogonal; this turns out to
be true at every point of every surface (except when the principal curvatures are
the same, in which case the principal directions are undefined; such points are
called umbilic ). Furthermore, the principal directions u 1 and u 2 and their asso-
ciated curvatures
κ 1 and
Figure 34.14: (a) The two prin-
cipal curvatures on a cylinder:
Along the axis of the cylinder, the
curvature is zero; in the perpen-
dicular direction, the curvature
is 1 / r, where r is the cylinder
radius. (b) To measure the cur-
vature in some direction u at P,
we intersect the surface with the
plane through P containing u and
n , the normal to the surface. The
result is a curve (gray) in a plane,
whose curvature we can measure.
κ 1 and
κ 2 completely determine the curvatures in every other
direction; if
u =cos(
) u 1 +sin(
) u 2 ,
then the curvature in the direction u (or directional curvature in direction u )is
cos 2 (
κ 1 +sin 2 (
κ 2 .
Note that this formula does not depend on the orientation of u 1 or u 2 :Ifwe
negate u 2 (giving an equally valid “principal direction”), for instance, the sign
) , but leaves sin 2 (
changes, which alters the sign of sin(
) unchanged.
34.5.1 Ridges and Valleys
The principal direction u 1 ( P ) corresponding to the maximum directional curva-
ture at each point P is used to define the notion of a ridge or valley: The principal
directions can be joined together into a curve called a line of curvature 1 (see
Figure 34.15). As we traverse a line of curvature, the principal curvature
κ 1
Figure 34.15: The curves in this diagram have tangents that are in the direction of
either greatest or least curvature. The “bends” near the center occur because the sur-
face is defined by two adjacent spline patches. (Courtesy of Nikola Guid and Borut
Zalik. Reprinted from Computers & Graphics, volume 19, issue 4, Nikola Guid, Crtomir
Oblonšek, Borut Žalik, “Surface Interrogation Methods,” pages 557-574, ©1995, with per-
mission from Elsevier.)
1. More explicitly: We can find a curve t → γ ( t ) on the surface with the property that
γ ( t )= u 1 ( γ ( t )) for every t ,and γ ( 0 )= P ; this is the line of curvature through P .
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