Java Reference
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mouseover: handleEvent,
mouseout: handleEvent,
click: handleEvent
However, there's no real need to do so in this example. But this would be the best way if you needed to
perform other processes on each element. That way, you iterate over the elements once as opposed to
multiple times.
ajax support in mootools
MooTools has three objects for making HTTP requests, each targeting a specific purpose:
Request : Used for general requests
Request.HTML : Used specifically for receiving HTML
Request.JSON : Specifically used for receiving JSON
Each of these objects is similar to Prototype's Ajax.Request , in that you directly create them by
calling their constructor functions with the new operator and passing an object that contains various
var request = new Request({
method: "get",
url: "someFile.txt",
onSuccess: requestSuccess
This code creates a Request object that makes a GET request for someFile.txt and calls the
requestSuccess() function on a successful request.
You can pass many more options to the constructor; the following table lists some of them.
Determines whether or not the XMLHttpRequest object makes the request in
asynchronous mode. The default is true .
An object containing the key/value pairs to send with the request
The HTTP method used for the request. The default is "post" .
A callback function invoked when the request completes successfully
A callback function invoked when the request completes, but results in an error
status code
The URL to send the request to
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