Java Reference
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Let's jump right into the code, starting with the handleEvent() function:
function handleEvent(e) {
var target =;
var type = e.type;
Everything is standards‐compliant code until you get to the if statement; that's when you use
MooTools' toggleClass() method in the case of mouseover and mouseout events:
if (type == "mouseover" ││ type == "mouseout") {
If it is one of these events, you add the tabStrip‐tab‐hover CSS class to the event target. But if the
event is a click event, you need to do a few things. First, you add the tabStrip‐tab‐click CSS class
to the element. Then, you get the value of the data‐tab‐number attribute because you'll need to pass
that to the showDescription() function:
} else if (type == "click") {
var num = target.getAttribute("data-tab-number");
The showDescription() function changed very slightly; in fact, just one statement needs your
function showDescription(num) {
var text = "Description for Tab " + num;
$("descContainer").set("html", text);
You need to change the content of the description container element. Now, you can do that in a variety
of ways, and as we mentioned earlier, the native innerHTML property would be ideal. However, for the
sake of this example, you use MooTools' set() method to set the virtual html property.
Finally, you register your listeners for the mouseover , mouseout , and click events:
$$(".tabStrip > div").addEvents({
mouseover: handleEvent,
mouseout: handleEvent,
click: handleEvent
Here, you use MooTools' $$() method to select the <div/> elements within the tab strip. Then you
use the addEvents() method to register the three event listeners. As an alternative, you could use the
technique demonstrated in the Prototype example:
$$(".tabStrip > div").forEach(function(item) {
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