Java Reference
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If you look back at the special repetition characters table, you'll see that they apply to the item
preceding them. This can be a character, or, where they have been grouped by means of parentheses,
the previous group of characters.
However, there is a potential problem with the regular expression you just defined. As well as matching
VBScript and JavaScript , it also matches VBJavaScript . This is clearly not exactly what you meant.
To get around this you need to make use of both grouping and the special character | , which is the
alternation character. It has an or‐like meaning, similar to | | in if statements, and will match the
characters on either side of itself.
Let's think about the problem again. You want the pattern to match VBScript or JavaScript .
Clearly they have the Script part in common. So what you want is a new word starting with Java
or starting with VB ; either way, it must end in Script .
First, you know that the word must start with a word boundary:
Next you know that you want either VB or Java to be at the start of the word. You've just seen that in
regular expressions | provides the “or” you need, so in regular expression syntax you want the following:
This matches the pattern VB or Java . Now you can just add the Script part:
Your final code looks like this:
var myString = "JavaScript, VBScript and Perl";
var myRegExp = /\b(VB|Java)Script\b/gi;
myString = myString.replace(myRegExp, "xxxx");
reusing groups of Characters
You can reuse the pattern specified by a group of characters later on in the regular expression. To
refer to a previous group of characters, you just type \ and a number indicating the order of the
group. For example, you can refer to the first group as \1 , the second as \2 , and so on.
Let's look at an example. Say you have a list of numbers in a string, with each number separated by
a comma. For whatever reason, you are not allowed to have two instances of the same number in a
row, so although
would be okay, the following:
would not be valid, because you have 007 and 002 repeated after themselves.
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