Java Reference
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How could you match both JavaScript and VBScript using the same regular expression? The only
thing they have in common is that they are whole words and they both end in Script . Well, an easy
way would be to use parentheses to group the patterns Java and VB . Then you can use the ? special
character to apply to each of these groups of characters to make the pattern match any word having
zero or one instance of the characters Java or VB , and ending in Script :
var myRegExp = /\b(VB)?(Java)?Script\b/gi;
Breaking down this expression, you can see the pattern it requires is as follows:
A word boundary : \b
Zero or one instance of VB : (VB)?
Zero or one instance of Java : (Java)?
The characters Script : Script
A word boundary : \b
Putting these together, you get this:
var myString = "JavaScript, VBScript and PHP";
var myRegExp = /\b(VB)?(Java)?Script\b/gi;
myString = myString.replace(myRegExp, "xxxx");
The output of this code is shown in Figure 6-8.
figure: 6-8
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