Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7.1
The Users
page allows
you to add
new users to
your blog.
Note also
that Help was
offline when
we initiated
this process.
3. Enter the email address of the user.
4. From the pull-down menu, choose a role for the user. The roles are in random order, neither in
order of increasing capability, decreasing capability, or alphabetical. (The order is Contributor,
Administrator, Editor, Author.)
Contributors can write posts but not publish them; Authors can write posts and publish them;
Editors can manage others' posts; Administrators can use all the capabilities in the
Administration area.
5. Click the Add User button.
6. The user's name (from their WordPress account) and other information is added to the Users
In the Users area, you can show all users, or all users of a specific type; remove users or change
their roles, using check boxes and pull-down menus; or click on the number of posts for a user to
see all posts by that user.
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