Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
2.4.8 Workspace
Depending on the workflow and monitor resolution, it is sometimes more
practical to arrange the panels differently or temporarily close a specific
panel. Use the Window menu to reopen a specific panel. If you frequently
change your workspace, choose Window > Workspace to save your pre-
ferred panel arrangement or restore the default workspace.
2.4.9 Keyboard Shortcuts
Edge Animate also offers many shortcuts that you can adapt to your own
preferences by selecting Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts.
Figure 2.16
The standard Adobe dialog box for
setting custom shortcuts
2.5 Hello Edge Animate!
Before we wade in too deeply, it is now time to take Edge Animate for a test
drive. Since you have probably already installed and opened Edge Animate,
let's create a small animation.
4 Project
The files for this example can be
downloaded from http://edgebuch.
Project Name: Authoringtool_Hello
First we create a new composition by choosing File > New.
On the Stage, use the Text Tool (T button) to create a simple text field,
enter any text, and change the text properties such as font type, size,
and text color to whatever you prefer.
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