Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
If you want to use jQuery extensions that are not supported by Edge Ani-
mate, you have to bypass the program's native Actions code panel and work on
a deeper level to get direct access to additional jQuery functionality. In chapter
7, you will learn more about the extension possibilities of Edge Animate.
While the events outlined above are available both for the Stage and for all
elements and symbols, there are another five events that can only occur at the
page level:
swipe • Starting with Edge Animate Creative Cloud, it is now possible to de-
clare left and right swipes as an event for an element. The event is run when
the user finger-swipes the element or the Stage on a touch screen.
scroll (page level) • The scroll event fires when the user scrolls within the
keydown and keyup (page level) • This event fires when a key is pressed or re-
leased. It is used to create keyboard shortcuts or game controls. An example
of this event is presented in section 7.5.
resize (page level) • The resize event is fired as soon as the size of the brows-
er window changes. This event is often used for responsive design.
orientationChange (page level) • This event is run on mobile devices. When
the device is rotated, the screen orientation changes. Use this event if the
composition needs to react to the event, such as with different layouts for
landscape and portrait.
5.2.3 Composition Events
In addition to user-events, there are also two events for the composition itself:
compositionReady • After the composition is initialized, the compositionReady
event fires. This event can be used for further preparation of the composition
through code. For example, you can use this event when you are setting ini-
tial values for variables, or when additional extensions are loaded.
onError • This event is a global error handler and is always called when the
code for some other event produces a JavaScript error. This event is global
and effects all compositions. This means that all event handlers are called
for the onError event on a page, regardless of how many compositions
are on the page. The argument compId provides information about which
composition produced the error. Moreover, e.originalEvent includes a
reference to the original event that caused the error, which is necessary for
targeted error handling
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