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Next, we set up the necessary parameters for this class. Then, we save the score in the
SaveLocal(index : int) funcion, which will take the index number of each user
included with the local key and put in the PlayerPrefs key. This will allow us to save
muliple users without having any problems.
In the SaveLocal() funcion, we use PlayerPrefs.SetInt(KeyString, int_
score); to save the score and PlayerPrefs.SetString(KeyString, s_name); to
save the username.
Next, we have the LoadLocal(index : int) funcion, which will take the index number
of the users and load the username and score from the PlayerPrefs .
The LoadLocal() funcion will contain two funcions. The irst is LoadScore(index
: int) , which will load the user's score by using PlayerPrefs.HasKey(KeyString)
to check for the similar key saved on this local machine. If it has, we will load the score
by using the PlayerPrefs.GetInt(KeyString) funcion, and if not, we will return
0 for the score. The next funcion is LoadName(index : int) , which is very similar
to the LoadScore(index : int) funcion, but this ime we will use PlayerPrefs.
GetString(KeyString) to get the username. Also, if we can't find the key, we will return
the random name in the as_randomNames array of string.
Then, we created the LocalHiScore script to load and save our user data. In this script, we
created SetMaxUser(maxUser : int) to get the maximum number of users to display on
the menu, and called the LoadGameLocal() funcion. This funcion will load the user data,
and then store the data to the array. The funcion also gets the minimum score from the user
data and stores this score for comparing when the player submits the score.
In the LocalHiScore script, we also created SaveGame (scores : int, name :
String) to save the player's final score to the local machine and the SortUser (array :
UsersData[]) funcion to sort the user data before saving. In the SaveGame (scores :
int, _name : String) funcion, irst we checked whether the player's submited score
is higher than the minimum score from the user data or not. If it isn't, we don't add the new
score to the user data. On the other hand, if the submited score is higher than the minimum
score, the old minimum score will be removed, and the new score will be added to the new
user data. Then, we call the SortUser (array : UsersData[]) funcion. This funcion
will sort the array of the UsersData from the highest to lowest user score.
Finally, we go back to the HiScore script to add the script that will display our local
high score.
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