Game Development Reference
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F Transform (Cube4)
Position : X: -3 Y: 23.5 Z: 0
6. We will click on the Wall game object in the Hierarchy view and go to the Inspector
view and set up its Transform as follows:
F Transform
Position : X: 1037.5 Y: -16.5 Z: 693
Rotation : X: 0 Y: 36 Z: 0
Scale : X: 1 Y: 1 Z: 1
7. Now, we will create the script that makes this wall object break apart when the
character shoots at it. Let's go to the Chapter7/Scripts folder and double-click
the rocket script to open this script in the script editor.
8. Inside the rocket script, we will add two parameters at the beginning of the script,
as highlighted in the following code:
@script RequireComponent(ConstantForce)
//Add the explosion force and radius
public var explosionRadius : float = 50;
public var explosionForce : float = 1000;
9. Next, we will go to the OnCollisionEnter (others : Collision) funcion
and add the following highlighted script:
public function OnCollisionEnter (others : Collision) : void {
//Create the explosion on the first impact point of the rocket
and collider
var contactPoint : ContactPoint = others.contacts[0];
var rotation : Quaternion = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.
up, contactPoint.normal);
GameObject.Instantiate(explosionParticle, contactPoint.point,
//Get the transform position of the rocket
var v3_position : Vector3 = transform.position;
//Get all colliders that touches or insides the explosion radius
var a_hits : Collider[] = Physics.OverlapSphere(v3_position,
for (var c : Collider in a_hits) {
// Check tag
if (c.tag == "Destructible") {
//Get all rigidbody of the colliders
var r : Rigidbody = c.rigidbody;
if (r != null) {
r.isKinematic = false;
r.AddExplosionForce(explosionForce, v3_position,
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