Game Development Reference
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Wait unil it's done, and you will see the Chapter5 folder in the Window view. Make sure
that we have all five folders, which are Fonts , Level , Robot Artwork , Rocket , and UI , inside
this folder. Now, let's create something.
Engage Thrusters
In this secion, we will set up the scene, camera view, and place our character in the scene:
1. First, let's begin with creaing the direcional light by going to GameObject | Create
Other | Directional Light , and go to its Inspector view to set the rotaion X to 30 and
the posiion ( X: 0, Y: 0, Z: 0 ).
2. Then, add the level to our scene by clicking on the Chapter5 folder in the Project
view. In the Level folder, you will see the Level Prefab ; drag it to the Hierarchy view
and you will see the level in our scene.
3. Next, remove the Main Camera from the Hierarchy view because we will use the
camera from the built-in First Person Controller prefab. So, right-click on the Main
Camera on the Hierarchy view and choose Delete to remove it.
4. Then, add the built-in First Person Controller prefab to the Hierarchy view by going
to the Standard Assets folder. Under the Character Controllers folder, you will see
the First Person Controller prefab; drag it to the Hierarchy view.
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