Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Maximum Size
Main Applications
Bioreactor Brand
CellMaker Plus
8 L CV
Cultivation of animal cells:
seed inoculum
production, sample
1 L-5000 L CV
2-D bag on a stationary
platform, wave motion
induced by a flapper,
proprietary sparging
system allows cultivation
of every type of cell and
EIbl, R., Kaiser, S., Lombriser, R., and Eibl, D. 2010. After Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.
86: 41-49.
Appendix I is a summary of the most current publications on the design of
new bioreactors.
Appendix I. Current Literature Survey of
the Use of Disposable Systems
1. Biotechnol Prog . 2010 Oct 11. doi:
10.1002/btpr.516. Experimental
characterization of flow
conditions in 2- and 20-L
bioreactors with wave-induced
motion. Kalmbach A, Bordás R,
Oncül AA, Thévenin D, Genzel
Y, Reichl U. Professur für
Strömungsmechanik, Bioprocess
Engineering Division, Helmut-
Schmidt-Universität Hamburg,
D-22043 Hamburg, Germany;
Max-Planck-Institut für
Dynamik Komplexer Technischer
Systeme, Bioprocess Engineering
Division, D-39106 Magdeburg,
Quantifying the influence of flow conditions on cell
viability is essential for successful control of cell
growth and cell damage in major biotechnological
applications, such as in recombinant protein and
antibody production or vaccine manufacturing. In
the last decade, new bioreactor types have been
developed. In particular, bioreactors with wave-
induced motion show interesting properties (e.g.,
disposable bags suitable for cGMP manufacturing,
no requirement for cleaning and sterilization of
cultivation vessels, and fast setup of new production
lines) are considered in this study. As an additional
advantage, it is expected that cultivation in such
bioreactors result in lower shear stress compared
with conventional stirred tanks. As a consequence,
cell damage would be reduced as cell viability is
highly sensitive to hydrodynamic conditions. To
check these assumptions, an experimental setup was
developed to measure the most important flow
parameters (liquid surface level, liquid velocity, and
liquid and wall shear stress) in two cellbag sizes (2
and 20 L) of Wave Bioreactors ® . The measurements
confirm in particular low shear stress values in both
cellbags, indicating favorable hydrodynamic
conditions for cell cultivation.
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