Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
languages proficiency the input of international information by students and teach-
ing personnel plays a major role.
Topics addressed in research and practical training of ERM students truly re-
flect real world environmental problems. Any check of current issues in textbooks
of environmental management or a simple Google search would show that all ma-
jor environmental issues are being dealt with. These issues not only span the total-
ity of the challenges but the whole globe. Thus one might say that ERM follows a
universal approach rather than simply a globalised one. Students themselves ac-
tively participate in their scientific and professional career formation by travelling
abroad, independently selecting research topics, coming together for alumni work-
shops, and cooperatively issuing topics with a universal environmental dimension.
From the preceding we can conclude that at BTU Cottbus 'internationalisation'
is not only a nice label, but the concept has been filled with content both on the
levels of teaching and research. The scope of ERM clearly goes beyond the Euro-
pean framework. Instead all emerging economies and many states struggling for
enforcement of a functioning legal system including environmental regulations are
included in the problem catalogue of ERM.
I thank Prof. M. Schmidt for the invitation to co-edit this volume and valuable dis-
cussions on indicator-based assessment. I thank N. Zechel, N. Wolfeil, F. Schulz
and K. Golz for providing the data basis for tables 23.1-4 .
ERM Board of Students (2009) Mind the Gap. Announcement of Alumni workshop. Inter-
net address: http://board.erm.tu-cottbus.de, last accessed on 06.01.2011
Flöt her C (2010) Follow me: Was kommt nach der Uni? Internet address: http://www.uni-
kassel.de/wz1/pdf/Kurz_KS_JG2007.pdf, last accessed on 06.01.2011
Mersch B, van Rebber F (2010) Die Meister sterben aus. duzMagazin 03/2010:10-11
Schmidt M, Glasson J, Emmelin L, Helbron H (eds) (2006) Standards and Thresholds for
Impact Assessment. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Schmidt M, João E, Knopp L (eds) (2004) Implementing Strategic Environmental Assess-
ment. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Schmidt M, Onyango V, Palekhov D, Wiegleb G (2011) Implementing Environmental and
Resource Management. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
Wiegleb G, Küchenhoff B, Kullick S. (2009) Internationalität und Hochschulen. In: Knopp
L, Peine FJ, Nowacki K, Schröder W (eds) Hochschulen im Umbruch. Cottbuser
Schriften für Hochschulrecht und Hochschulpolitik 1, pp. 81-108
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