Environmental Engineering Reference
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sue. The Ukrainian system of environmental assessment covers almost only as-
sessments at a project level and has the form of state environmental expertise. It
lacks a process for integrating environmental concerns into development policies,
plans and programmers.
There is a need for an additional law that would provide for efficient implemen-
tation of SEA as a sustainable development instrument. The national SEA proce-
dure must consolidate transparency, accountability and justice in the work of ad-
ministrative institutions and public authorities. This will require the further
development of the methodology for making official decisions in the context of
sustainable development at national, regional and local (municipal) level. Specify-
ing the set of criteria (indicators) that would reveal efficiency of SEA as a sustain-
able development instrument is also of great importance. Such a set must include
social indicators, economic indicators, environmental indicators, institutional indi-
cators and structural indicators.
Cabinet of Ministers Order No. 880-p of 17.10.2007 “On approval of Concept of the na-
tional environmental policy of Ukraine for the time period up to 2020”. In: Official ga-
zette of Ukraine (Ofitsiyny visnyk Ukrainy) No. 79 of 29.10.2007, p. 170, st. 2961
Cherp A (2001a) EA legislation and practice in Central and Eastern Europe and the former
USSR. A comparative analysis. In: Environmental Impact Assessment Review 21(4):
Cherp A (2001b) Environmental assessment in countries in transition: Evolution in a
changing context. In: Journal of Environmental Management 62(4): 357-374
Cherp A, Lee N (1997) Evolution of SER and OVOS in the Soviet Union and Russia
(1985-1996). Environmental Impact Assessment Review 17(3): 177-204
Cherp A, Laevskaya E (2009) Independent review of Ukraine's legal, administrative and
other measures to implement the provisions of the Convention. Report by consultants.
United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, Meeting of the Parties to the Con-
vention on Environmental Impact Assessment in a Transboundary Context, Implemen-
tation Committee. U.N. Doc. ECE/MP.EIA/IC/2009/5 Internet: http://www.unece.org/
env/documents/2009/eia/ic/ece.mp.eia.ic.2009.5.e.pdf, last accessed on 16.11.2010
Constitution of Ukraine, adopted at the 5th session of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on
28 June 1996. In: Bulletin of Verkhovna Rada (Vidomosti Verkhovnoi Rady), 1996,
No. 30, st. 141, amended according to the Law of Ukraine No. 2222-IV on 08.12.2004,
Bulletin of Verkhovna Rada, 2005, No. 2, st. 44
Costanza R, Daly HE, Bartholomew JA (1991) Goals, agenda, and policy recommendations
for ecological economics. In: Costanza R. (ed) Ecological economics: The science and
management of sustainability. Columbia University Press, New York, pp. 1-20
Council Directive 85/337/EEC of 27 June 1985 on the assessment of the effects of certain
public and private projects on the environment. In: Official Journal (OJ) L175 of
05.07.1985, pp. 40-48
Dalal-Clayton B, Sadler B (1998) Strategic Environmental Assessment: A Rapidly Evolv-
ing Approach. In: Donnelly A, Dalal-Clayton B, Hughes R (eds) A Directory of Im-
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