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0-17% to 66-75% when heated to 46 C for 1 1
2 h (Esquerra and Lizada, 1990). Internal
cavitation has also been observed in “Hayward” kiwifruit heated at 40 C in controlled
atmosphere (0.4% O 2
20% CO 2 ) for 10 h when the fruits were not hydrocooled after
treatment (Lay-Yee and Whiting, 1996). Internal cavitation can also develop in mango fruit
from exposure to high temperatures in the field (Gunjate et al., 1982) or from exposure
to modified atmospheres, especially at ambient temperatures in the tropics (Gautam and
Lizada, 1984).
11.8 Conclusions
Application of heat treatments to plant materials as a means of controlling pests or pathogens
provides a nonchemical method of control. However, the tolerance to such treatments must
be carefully evaluated. Heat treatment can have beneficial effects beyond pest control such
as reducing susceptibility to chilling injury and reducing the rate of ripening. Heat damage
may be immediate or may develop after a period of storage. Tolerance to heat exposure is
influenced by species, cultivar, harvest maturity, growing conditions, and handling between
harvest and treatment. In addition, the method used to apply heat can greatly influence
product tolerance. In some cases, special treatments can be applied to increase product
tolerance to a heat treatment, but one must also consider if this will influence treatment
efficacy against insect pests or pathogens.
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