Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Thamira Hindo received BE and ME degrees
from the School of Control and Systems Engi-
neering, University of Technology, Baghdad,
Iraq, in 1984 and 1990, respectively. Her ME
thesis was related to the design of personal-
based instruments for diagnosing electrocardio-
gram (ECG) arrhythmia, for diagnosing and
implementing pulmonary function tests, and
for measuring the body temperature. From 1990
to 2008, she worked as a lecturer in the School
of Control and Systems Engineering, teaching
undergraduate courses in digital techniques,
electrical circuits, assembly language, and com-
puter architecture. Since 2009 she has been a
PhD candidate in the department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering at Michigan State
University. Her current research interests are in
the area of neuromorphic engineering and in
the design of asynchronous pulse-mode com-
puter architectures.
Shantanu Chakrabartty received his BTech
degree from Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi,
in 1996 and his MS and PhD degrees in electrical
engineering from Johns Hopkins University, Bal-
timore, in 2002 and 2005, respectively. He is cur-
rently an associate professor in the Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Michi-
gan State University (MSU). From 1996 to 1999
he worked with Qualcomm Inc., San Diego, and
during 2002 he was a visiting researcher at the
University of Tokyo. His work covers a variety of
aspects of analog computing, in particular non-
volatile circuits, and his current research interests
include energy-harvesting sensors and neuro-
morphic and hybrid circuits and systems. He was
a Catalyst Foundation fellow from 1999 to 2004
and is a recipient of the National Science Founda-
tion's CAREER Award, the University Teacher-
Scholar Award from MSU, and the 2012
Technology of the Year Award from MSU Tech-
nologies. He is a senior member of the Institute
of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and
is currently serving as the associate editor for
IEEE Transactions of Biomedical Circuits and Sys-
tems , associate editor for the Advances in Artificial
Neural Systems journal, and a review editor for
the Frontiers in Neuromorphic Engineering journal.
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