Travel Reference
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After hugs with all who attended, I made my way to the military base. I was so ex-
cited that my heart was racing and I found myself cycling too fast for the first day. I kept
telling myself to slow down and to get into a rhythm for I had a long journey ahead of me
and setting a pace was very important.
My first fundraising stop was my own NAAFI outlet on the base. After I received
an official stamp from my boss, I proceeded to say good-bye to all my co-workers. I then
visited the commander's office. At the time of my arrival, he was in a meeting and his
professional assistant asked me to wait. I, on the other hand, was filled with adrenaline. I
waited for 12 seconds and then ran passed the assistant and knocked on the commander's
half-opened door.
I think Commander Pritchard welcomed the intrusion. He quickly stood up and I
clasped his hand with both of mine and wholeheartedly said,” I love you… I mean, thank
you for all your support and encouragement.” He gave me his blessings and wished me
Godspeed. His help and early support during the planning ofthis tour was a catalyst in get-
ting the tour off the ground. Again, Commander Pritchard, thank you.
I then left the base saying good-bye to the guards at the gate and proceeded to my
next stop, Pirate FM in Redruth. This radio station was a big supporter with the DJ re-in-
troducing me each time I called in on Friday mornings throughout the UK Tour.
I then proceeded to systematically follow closely to my original itinerary. Each
night I finished where I wanted to be sometimes arriving after 11:00 pm. I didn't want to
get behind because it would affect the rest of the tour.
The first day was extremely tough on my knees. All the gear on the bike added so
much weight that I started to develop a pain in my left knee. From previous experience, I
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