Java Reference
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The following command creates the full JRE in the fulljre directory:
[/home/ksharan]$ ejdk1.8.0/bin/ -d fulljre
Building JRE using Options {
ejdk-home: /home/ksharan/ejdk1.8.0
dest: /home/ksharan/compact1jre
target: linux_i586
vm: all
runtime: jre
debug: false
keep-debug-info: false
no-compression: false
dry-run: false
verbose: false
extension: []
Target JRE Size is 55,209 KB (on disk usage may be greater).
Embedded JRE created successfully
if you get any errors running the jrecreate command, you may try setting the EJDK_HOME environment variable
to the directory containing the eJdK that is the path to the eJdK installation directory.
Notice that size of the full JRE with no debugging options on Linux/x86 is 55MB. If you want to create a JRE with
a custom profile such as compact1 , compact2 or compact3 , you will need to specify the profile name using the -p
(or --profile ) option. The following command creates a JRE with profile compact1 ; the JRE files will be copied to
compact1jre directory:
[/home/ksharan]$ ejdk1.8.0/bin/ -p compact1 -d compact1jre
Building JRE using Options {
ejdk-home: /home/ksharan/ejdk1.8.0
dest: /home/ksharan/compact1jre
target: linux_i586
vm: minimal
runtime: compact1 profile
debug: false
keep-debug-info: false
no-compression: false
dry-run: false
verbose: false
extension: []
Target JRE Size is 10,811 KB (on disk usage may be greater).
Embedded JRE created successfully
Notice the size of the JRE with the compact1 profile on Linux/x86 is approximately 11MB, which is a significant
reduction in size from 55MB for the full JRE.
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