Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The jrecreate command takes several options. One of the options is required that specifies the destination
directory in which the custom JRE files are generated. The option to specify the destination directory is -d (or --dest )
and its value is the path of a directory.
Table C-4 lists all the options for the jrecreate command with their descriptions. Note that most of the options
have a short name and a long name. The options with the short names start with one hyphen such as -d and the
options with the long names start with two hyphens such as --dest .
Table C-4. List of Options and Their Descriptions for the jrecreate Command
-d path
--dest path
Specifies the directory in which to write the JRE files. The directory must not
exist. An error occurs if the directory already exists.
-p profile
--profile profile
Specifies the compact profile name to be created. Valid values are compact1 ,
compact2 , and compact3 . If it is not specified, the full JRE is created.
--vm jvm
Specifies the JVM type to be included in the created JRE. The valid options
are one of the following: minimal, client, server, and all. If this option is not
specified, the --profile option is used to select a JVM as follows: For compact1
and compact2 , minimal is selected and for compact3 , client is selected. If
--profile is not specified, the JRE includes all available JVMs.
-x extension
--extension extension
Specifies optional components to be included in the generated JRE. It accepts
a comma-separated list (with no spaces) as well as a single value. Valid values
are fx:graphics , fx:controls , sunec , sunpkcs11 , locales , charsets , nashorn .
Selecting fx:controls automatically includes fx:graphics .
Includes java level debugging supports. The default is to include no debugging
Does not strip debugging information from class and unsigned JAR files during
JRE creation.
Does not compress unsigned JAR files. This option does not apply to the signed
JAR files. The default is to compress the unsigned JAR files.
Performs the dry run of the requested operation without creating the JRE.
Displays verbose output.
--ejdk-home path
Specify the path to the root of EJDK distribution.
Summarizes the command-line options.
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