Java Reference
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P12Y // A duration of 12 years
PT15:30 // A duration of 15 hours and 30 minutes
PT20S // A duration of 20 seconds
P4Y2MT30M // A duration of 4 years 2 months and 30 minutes
the Date-time api provides Duration and Period classes to deal with an amount of time. a Duration
represents an amount of time on machine-scale timeline. a Period represents an amount of time on human-scale timeline.
Exploring the New Date-Time API
At first, exploring the Date-Time API is intimidating as it contains many classes with numerous methods. Learning the
naming convention of methods will help understand the API tremendously. The Date-Time API has been designed
carefully to keep the names of classes and their methods consistent and intuitive. Methods starting with the same
prefix do the similar work. For example, a of() method in a class is used as a static factory method to create an object
of that class.
All classes, interfaces, and enums for the Date-Time API are in the java.time package and four of its
java.time contains frequently used classes. LocalDate , LocalTime , LocalDateTime ,
ZonedDateTime , Period , Duration , and Instant classes are in this package. Classes in this
package are based on ISO standards.
java.time.chrono contains classes supporting non-ISO calendar systems, for example,
Hijrah calendar, ThaiBuddhist calendar, etc.
java.time.format contains classes for formatting and parsing dates and times.
java.time.temporal contains classes for accessing components of dates and times. It also
contains classes that acts like date-time adjusters. contains classes supporting time zones and zone rules.
The following sections explain the prefixes used in method names in the Date-Time API with their meanings
and examples.
The ofXXX( ) Methods
Classes in the Date-Time API do not provide public constructors to create their objects. They let you create objects
through static factory methods named ofXXX() . The following snippet of code shows how to create objects of the
LocalDate class:
LocalDate ld1 = LocalDate.of(2012, 5, 2); // 2012-05-02
LocalDate ld2 = LocalDate.of(2012, Month.JULY, 4); // 2012-07-04
LocalDate ld3 = LocalDate.ofEpochDay(2002); // 1975-06-26
LocalDate ld4 = LocalDate.ofYearDay(2014, 40); // 2014-02-09
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