Java Reference
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The from( ) Methods
A from() method is a static factory method, similar to an of() method, that is used to derive a datetime object
from the specified argument. Unlike an of() method, a from() method requires data conversion on the specified
To understand what a from() method does, think of it named as deriveFrom() method. Using a from() method,
you derive a new datetime object from the specified argument. The following snippet of code shows how to derive a
LocalDate from a LocalDateTime :
LocalDateTime ldt = LocalDateTime.of(2012, 5, 2, 15, 30); // 2012-05-02T15:30
LocalDate ld = LocalDate.from(ldt); // 2012-05-02
The withXXX( ) Methods
Most classes in the Date-Time API are immutable. They do not have setXXX() methods. If you want to change a field
of a datetime object, for example, the year value in a date, you need to look for a method with a prefix like withXXX .
A withXXX() method returns a copy of an object with the specified field changed.
Assume that you have a LocalDate object and you want to change its year. You need to use the
withYear(int newYear) method of the LocalDate class. The following snippet of code shows how to obtain a
LocalDate from another LocalDate with the year changed:
LocalDate ld1 = LocalDate.of(2012, Month.MAY, 2); // 2012-05-02
LocalDate ld2 = ld1.withYear(2014); // 2014-05-02
You can obtain a new LocalDate from an existing LocalDate by changing multiple fields by chaining the
withXXX() method calls. The following snippet of code creates a new LocalDate from an existing LocalDate by
changing the year and month:
LocalDate ld3 = LocalDate.of(2012, 5, 2); // 2012-05-02
LocalDate ld4 = ld3.withYear(2014).withMonth(7); // 2014-07-02
The getXXX( ) Methods
A getXXX() method returns the specified element of the object. For example, the getYear() method in the LocalDate
object returns the year part of the date. The following snippet of code shows how to get year, month, and day from a
LocalDate object:
LocalDate ld = LocalDate.of(2012, 5, 2);
int year = ld.getYear(); // 2012
Month month = ld.getMonth(); // Month.MAY
int day = ld.getDayOfMonth(); // 2
The toXXX( ) Methods
A toXXX() method converts an object to a related XXX type. For example, the toLocalDate() method in the
LocalDateTime class returns a LocalDate object with the date in the object. Below are some examples of using
toXXX() methods.
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