Graphics Programs Reference
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FIG. 9.3 Import and adjust the base clothing models.
All that is obviously missing at this point are her boots, but as mentioned
before, we will come to those later. For now, let's move on and start to edit
these base models to make them more suited to sculpting.
J acket
We can concentrate on the jacket and hide the other bits of clothing for now.
As mentioned earlier, what follows is not a detailed tutorial on what we need
to do to these models. Instead, we will supply a general overview of what you
will need.
The rest is up to you!
What we ideally want is a basic, l at model representing the jacket in a i nal
state. This includes giving it thickness, and making sure the topology is correct
before we can proceed. What we are not looking for at this stage are any
details, just the main shape.
(Note: It is important to have the topology in its i nal state before you begin
sculpting, as any dramatic changes can destroy all your hard work.)
(Tip: Be sure to add extra edge loops into areas that will need lots of detail. Try
to keep the topology even where possible, with nice square quads.)
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