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# Function to interleave the elements of two vectors
interleave <- function
function (v1, v2) as.vector(rbind(v1,v2))
With these utility functions defined, we can make a linear model from the data and plot it as a
mesh along with the data, using the surface3d() function, as shown in Figure 13-17 :
# Make a copy of the data set
m <- mtcars
# Generate a linear model
mod <- lm(mpg ~ wt + disp + wt:disp, data = m)
# Get predicted values of mpg from wt and disp
m$pred_mpg <- predict(mod)
# Get predicted mpg from a grid of wt and disp
mpgrid_df <- predictgrid(mod, "wt" , "disp" , "mpg" )
mpgrid_list <- df2mat(mpgrid_df)
# Make the plot with the data points
plot3d(m$wt, m$disp, m$mpg, type = "s" , size = 0.5 , lit = FALSE
# Add the corresponding predicted points (smaller)
spheres3d(m$wt, m$disp, m$pred_mpg, alpha = 0.4 , type = "s" , size = 0.5 , lit = FALSE
# Add line segments showing the error
segments3d(interleave(m$wt, m$wt),
interleave(m$disp, m$disp),
interleave(m$mpg, m$pred_mpg),
alpha = 0.4 , col = "red" )
# Add the mesh of predicted values
surface3d(mpgrid_list$wt, mpgrid_list$disp, mpgrid_list$mpg,
alpha = 0.4 , front = "lines" , back = "lines" )
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