Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Lightroom to Photoshop: More Features
To invoke these features, Control-click
upon one or more of your images in the
library, you will then be presented with
this dialog:
Open as Smart Object in Photoshop
A Smart Object is a non-destructive way of referencing a i le's original. This
means that once in Photoshop we can resize, rescale, apply i lters, etc. and can
always revert back to our original. So imagine an image sent from Lightroom to
Photoshop is downsized for web use and sharpened, but then later you need to
send that same i le out of Photoshop as a full res CMYK with dif erent sharpening.
This is no problem! Smart Objects embrace Lightroom's live, re-editable
workl ow.
Merge to HDR in Photoshop
Bracketed shots can quickly and easily be sent to Photoshop where they're
merged and converted to 32-bit HDR High Dynamic Range to extend the visible
information throughout the spectrum.
Open as Layers in Photoshop
Whether you want to do something really tricky like create a time-lapse video,
use CS4's newfound ability to add depth of i eld in auto-blend, or just composite
various images into one, Lightroom now works closely with Photoshop to allow
you to bring a series of images into one Photoshop i le as Layers to be merged in
Lightroom - that way all the data looks as consistent as possible.
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