Civil Engineering Reference
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Table 5 Percentage of R&D expenditure in the UK per region—2001 data a
Regional development agency region UK
% of UK R&D expenditure
in each region
South East (businesses in south east spent
£3.7 billion on R&D in 2001)
East Midlands
West Midlands
Yorkshire and Humber
North East
Northern Ireland
Perse Comm SEEDA regional development agency
The region also contains substantial innovation capacity if measured by the five
pillars that have been used by Lopez-Claros and Mata 28 for analysis of this
capacity. This system weights the following in its measure: the institutional
environment; human capital, training and social inclusion; regulatory and legal
framework; research and development; and the adoption and use of information
and communication technologies. The UK also benefits from having a political
regime which is classified as a full democracy as opposed to others which include
flawed democracies, hybrid regimes and authoritarian regimes within which there
is likely to be diminishing innovation performance.
Knowledge-based economic outcomes (Fig. 11 ) represent the warrantable
products and services that are delivered successfully to market. There is no specific
data on these outputs for the companies on the Surrey Research Park; however, the
rate of growth of companies on the site is an indicator that they are successful. The
''gateway policy'' for companies coming onto the site, which limits activities to
research, development and design in science (including social science), technology
and engineering also helps to narrow the likely outcomes to those that contain
some proprietary elements.
The final two pathways in the model noted in Fig. 11 , which denote feedback
loop, if successful, result in re-investment in ''knowledge capital'' and ''innovation
capacity'' that in turn leads to a ''virtuous circle'' of success. It is clear from the
experience of the Surrey Research Park that many of the entrepreneurs that build
and then ''exit'' from their companies return to the park as serial entrepreneurs and
create further new companies. The presence of a science park as a physical asset
28 Lopez-Claros and Mata ( 2011 ), The Innovation for Development Report 2010-2011, Factor,
Policies and Institutions Underpinning Country Innovation: Results of the Innovation Capacity
Index. EFD Global Consulting Networks.
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