Civil Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 11
Model of the sub-regional economy (after UKSPA 2003 and SEEDA and Huggins 2001 )
areas which have ''developing knowledge economies'' where most elements and
linkages are already established; however, some pathways or capacity restrictions
hinder the connections, and those areas denoted as ''economic development pri-
ority areas'' where all major elements and/or pathways between the various levels
in the model were missing or constrained.
The Surrey Research Park operates in a business environment in which there is
substantial ''knowledge capital'' which provide the capacity to create new ideas.
Those organisations that contribute to this include universities, public sector
research organisations, and private R&D organisations such as corporate research
laboratories and contract research organisations.
The County of Surrey has over 250 major corporate HQs that operate from the
County. 27 Data from 2001 showed that the region in which the Park operates has
the highest R&D spend which when associated with the level of connections gives
some indication of a potential success factor for the site (Table 5 ).
Perse Comm Surrey County Council Data 2012.
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