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A social system is a plurality of individuals who develop interactions according to
shared standards and cultural meanings. Human relationships are the actions and
attitudes developed by individuals and groups. The behavior of people is highly
influenced by the environment and the existing informal attitudes and rules that exist
in groups and are founded on individual processes, based on the interactions and
relationships between people. These produce approach—cooperation, accommo-
dation, assimilation (or expulsion), competition, and conflict (Aranha 2009 ).
The man builds his individuality in a contradictory way, because he is sup-
ported and constrained by singularizing (Vigostski 1929 ). ''We become ourselves
through others.'' The personality is made by the society or in social life, in a
process that involves the internal workings of the human being to unify to others
and distinguish from them, assuming a role more or less different from those
performed by other group members (Góes 2000 ).
In this context, we must consider that the innovation process is composed of
different social groups (researchers, inventors, producers, innovative entrepre-
neurs, and civil society), each one with a specific character, and who needs to
assume a group consciousness with the same goals when treated as a macro group
of innovation. The approach, rather than linear, must be seen then by the systemic
point of view (Aranha 2010 ).
The term Social Capital refers to social networks based on trust, cooperation,
and innovation, developed by individuals within and outside an organization,
facilitating access to information and knowledge. Such networks can adopt a
formal character (determined by the hierarchical links typical from the formal
organization chart); but above all are informal in nature, involving horizontal links
(between pairs) and diagonal (between and stakeholders collaborators from dif-
ferent areas) (Garcia 2010 ).
The Social Capital is the glue that interconnects the various forms of human capital,
creating the most valuable intangible asset of organizations: the human working
networks. The innovative entrepreneur is the actor who can deliver the benefits of
Social Capital Management and create the necessary environments for innovation.
2.1 Innovation Environments
The innovation environments take into consideration factors arising from cultural
heritage and the particular creativity of a social group, which traditionally are not
recognized as components of innovation.
My perception is that creativity includes three different aspects related to
entrepreneurship (theory and practice): People, as innovators, entrepreneurs, and
articulators who are at the heart of creative production and function as agents of
transformation; Culture, which helps to give people motivation and create a value
system for communities and a sustainable creative culture; and Environment,
where innovation occurs through the appropriation of knowledge and use of
technology as productive factors to encourage more creativity (Miranda 2009 ).
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