Java Reference
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A static member class is not an inner class. It is considered a top-level class. It is also called a nested top-level
class. Since it is a top-level class, you do not need an instance of its enclosing class to create its object. An instance of
class A and an instance of class B can exist independently because both are top-level classes. A static member class
can be declared public , protected , package-level, or private to restrict its accessibility outside its enclosing class.
What is the use of a static member class if it is nothing but another top-level class? There are two advantages of
using a static member class:
A static member class can access the static members of its enclosing class including the
private static members. In your example, if class A has any static members, those static
members can be accessed inside class B . However, class B cannot access any instance
members of class A because an instance of class B can exist without an instance of class A .
A package acts like a container for top-level classes by providing a namespace. Within a
namespace, all entities must have unique names. Top-level classes having static member
classes provide an additional layer of namespaces. A static member class is the direct member
of its enclosing top-level class, not a member of the package in which it is declared. In your
example, class A is a member of the package com.jdojo.innerclasses , whereas class B is a
member of class A . The fully qualified name of class A is com.jdojo.innerclasses.A . The fully
qualified name of class B is com.jdojo.innerclasses.A.B . This way, a top-level class can be
used to group together related classes defined as its static member classes.
An object of a static member class is created the same way as you create an object of a top-level class using the
new operator. To create an object of class B , you write
A.B bReference = new A.B();
Since the simple name of class B is in the scope inside class A , you can use its simple name to create its object
inside class A as
B bReference2 = new B(); // This statement appears inside class A code
You can also use the simple name B outside class A by importing the com.jdojo.innerclasses.A.B class.
However, using the simple name B outside class A is not intuitive. It gives an impression to the reader that class B is a
top-level class, not a nested top-level class. You should use A.B for class B outside class A for better readability.
Listing 2-10 declares two static member classes, Monitor and Keyboard , which have ComputerAccessory as their
enclosing class. Listing 2-11 shows how to create objects of these static member classes.
Listing 2-10. An Example of Declaring Static Member Classes
package com.jdojo.innerclasses;
public class ComputerAccessory {
// Static member class - Monitor
public static class Monitor {
private int size;
public Monitor(int size) {
this.size = size;
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