Java Reference
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public boolean hasNext() {
return (count < titleList.size());
public String next() {
return titleList.get(count++);
}; // Anonymous inner class ends here
return iterator;
The titleIterator() method of TitleListWithInnerClass has two statements. The first statement creates
an object of an anonymous class and stores the object's reference in the iterator variable. The second statement
returns the object reference stored in the iterator variable. In such cases, you can combine the two statements
into one statement. The getRandomInteger() method shown in Listing 2-5 can be rewritten using an anonymous
class as follows:
public RandomInteger getRandomInteger() {
// Anonymous inner class that inherits the RandomInteger class
return new RandomInteger() {
public int getValue() {
// Get two random integers and return
// the average ignoring the fraction part
long n1 = rand.nextInt();
long n2 = rand.nextInt();
int value = (int)((n1 + n2)/2);
return value;
A static Member Class Is Not an Inner Class
A member class defined within the body of another class may be declared static . The following snippet of code
declares a top-level class A and a static member class B :
package com.jdojo.innerclasses;
public class A {
// Static member class
public static class B {
// Body for class B goes here
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