Graphics Programs Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 9-12-7 The finished 21-step wedge running in opposite directions. A 1-pixel white line between the 0/0/0 square helps it separate
visually from the dark wedge just next to it.
separation, and gray balance. Save this document as
21stepwedge.tif .
Gradient Oval
1. Make a new document ( Command/Control N ) for this
Set the Preset sizes of 1024 ¥ 768 .
Set the Color Mode: RGB Color/8 bit .
Set the Background Contents: White .
Set the Color Profile to Adobe RGB (1998) as seen in Fig. 9-
12-1, earlier. Note that you can use a different working space
if you wish and you can make the document larger to fit the
output resolution of your printer.
Click OK .
2. Make sure the rulers are active. You can type
Command/Control R or choose View- Rulers . Place a ruler
in the center of the image both horizontally and vertically. To
do this, just move your cursor over the actual ruler area of the
document until it changes to an arrow cursor, click, and drag a
ruler into place.
3. Select the Elliptical (oval) Marquee tool by holding down the
M key. Shift M will toggle this from rectangle to elliptical
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