Biomedical Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 8.4 a Normal joint, b pincer joint, c dysplastic joint, d cam type joint [ 13 , 15 , 23 ]; (Image
courtesy of Salman Chegini, ARTORG, University of Bern) (With kind permission from Wiley:
Journal of Orthopaedic Research, Penetration depthmethod—novel real-time strategy for evaluating
femoroacetabular impingement, Vol. 28, 2010, pp. 880-886, Arbabi E, Chegini S, Boulic R, Tannast
M, Ferguson S J, Thalmann D, Figs. 3 and 6)
8.3.2 Hip Models
The morphology of the human hip can be described by various selected anatomical
and radiographical parameters [ 27 ]. For simplicity and comparability, only two
important parameters were chosen to quantify acetabular and femoral pathomor-
phologies: the lateral center-edge (CE) angle of Wiberg [ 28 ], and the
angle of Nöt-
zli [ 29 ], respectively. The hip models were prepared by Salman Chegini at ARTORG,
University of Bern, by using CAD software. 1 These models included acetabular and
femoral bone, articular cartilage, the labrum and the chondrolabral transition zone. In
order to create a wide range of hip geometries, a consecutive series of
and CE angles
were chosen for evaluation, covering normal and pathological joint morphologies.
The CE angle values ranged from 0 to 40
angles ranged from 40 to 80 . Incre-
mentsof10 were selected for both parameters, resulting in a total of 25 different
joints for evaluation, e.g. normal (CE
20 =
40 ), cam (CE
20 =
80 ),
40 =
40 ), combined FAI (CE
40 =
80 ), dysplas-
pincer (CE
0 =
40 ), or combined dysplastic and impinging morphologies
tic (CE
0 =
80 ) (Fig. 8.4 )[ 23 ].
8.3.3 Simulation
The hipmodels were simulated during standing-to-sittingmovement. Known average
in-vivo load and motion data for standing-to-sitting were used for evaluation [ 30 ].
The total motion for standing-to-sitting was divided into 30 equal and consecutive
sub-motions. All of the penetrating vertices were found, and both curvilinear and
radial penetration depths as well as the von Mises stresses were calculated in each
Solidworks 2005, Solidworks Corp., Boston, MA, USA.
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