Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
In the concert of Europe's structural variety, the conversion
process of the current electricity distribution grids to the future
active-grid structures will find a diversity of complementary
solutions in competition of central and decentral technologies for
generation and storage. Progress in versatile, robust and flexible
decentral solutions crucially depends on implementing the adequate
methods for measurement, control and coordination, employing
flexibility of micro-electronics, well integrated with power
The way to sustainable energy supply with its major
challenges to:
• accommodate energy production of all sizes;
• increase reliability and security of supply;
• optimise regional grid use and balancing;
• customise power quality for diferent needs;
• empower customers for active market participation; and
• enable new players, products and services
is fundamentally changing the role of the distribution service
operators. National and European policies continue to be committed
to progressive usage of wind and other renewable energies,
especially for distributed electricity generation. Complemented by
measures for energy recovery and efficient use of energy and with
major potentials in distributed combined heat/power production,
the way is also paved for broad introduction of electric transport
substituting its major consumption of fossil fuels.
Following a long and stony way from the first enthusiastic
attempts, when nearly anybody dared to imagine a major share of
renewables in our powermix, it seems nearly a miracle that within
three decades renewables became so significant. In wind energy
systems as well as for all other renewable energies, progress in
micro- and power electronics has been and will be the core
transformation driver towards participative, social and sustainable
society. In the meantime, the challenge has completely turned
around: to accommodate all renewable energies up to 100%
coverage in our infrastructures in Europe and worldwide. Contri-
buting an estimated increase of annual GDP by several percent, the
dream of sustainable energy supply with 100% renewable energies
is in reach within three to four decades, or might speed even
double once more?
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