Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
useful and well thought-out: the topic
a small state-
of-the-art handbook. It became the Bible of many windmill builders
in the 1970s. It was the right topic at the right time.
Sun and Wind
Figure 16.23 
Cover of the topic
by Carl Herforth and Claus
Nybroe. Personal copy of Erik Grove-Nielsen with the Smiling
Sun sticker (windsofchange.dk).
Sol og Vind
In the late 1970s, Claus Nybroe together with Rio Ordell started
the Dana Vindkraft on the island of Endelave. They developed the
Holger Danske windmills of sizes including 22 kW. They set new
standards for technique and good design. Later on Nybroe paused
for a while but reappeared in 1983 with the report “Californiske
Vindmølleparker” (Wind Farms in California) on a Folkecenter
arranged study tour to the Californian wind farms. In 1984 he
Wind Farms” published by the Folkecenter.
When the Danish Design Council arranged a competition
on new windmill types design in 1984, Claus Nybroe got the first
Herforth, C., Nybroe, C. (1976)
Sol og Vind
, Information Publishers, Copenhagen;
sold in more than 15 000 copies.
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