Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Excerpts of original texts from posters describing the process of building
of the Tvind turbine, 1978. Posters are located in Rotunde, beneath the
tower of the Tvind windmill.
• At Tvind in Western Jutland a number of workers, teachers and
students are building their own power station. With their own money.
They build it together, for the sake of natural energy, for the sake of
a human society—and against slavery, against monopolisation and
against nuclear power.
• The hole was dug at first. The iron was bound afterwards. The concrete
mixed and poured around the iron. The base of the tower completed
slowly. And then one day we glided upwards leaving the tower under
us. Metre by metre, hour by hour, and after 22 days at the very top. So
this was the position of the blades. At this height, well, well. From here
they were to go round and round.
• We had heard about experiences like these from a number of countries
all over the world, such as China, but now we learnt from our own
experience that it was true: People can do anything when they unite
about their common future. No problem, no obstacles are too big for
the united people.
• Difficulties have turned up in scores. From the very beginning we could
count on them. Ever since the cutting of the first turf, where we 400
people were digging together, we have met problems. And the joy of
solving them has all the time been greater than the day before. By now
we are really wild about them. Because we have discovered that it is
through the solution of such difficulties we move forward.
• Ourselves from the lack of confidence that common people like us could
do things like building a big wind power station, from the fear of the
materials, from the ignorance of the physical laws and the actual size of
the natural forces, from the ignorance of even elementary concepts of
the technological world, this disintegrated, fragmented expert world,
which no one today can overlook, from the traditional view on girls'
ability to build anything.
• Therefore we were sometimes scared in the beginning of our work
building the power station. As when we first found out that we had
made wrong calculations. Twice as much concrete as we had thought
necessary at first was needed. So we could not aford to buy ready-
mixed concrete from the nearest mixing plant. We solved it together.
• At a meeting we found out that we could mix the concrete ourselves.
At half the price. But then it would also take twice the time. Unless we
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