Graphics Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 4.76
Additional Tools
Many color correction applications have specific, patented tools that
make it stand out from the other applications that are available. DaVinci
Resolve has the ability to combine nodes and to composite different
looks using the same compositing tools that are available, for example,
in Adobe Photoshop: add, subtract, difference, multiply, screen, overlay,
darken, and lighten effects. This really increases the ability to create very
complex grades.
Apple Color also has the very cool and powerful Color FX Room, with
its nodal effects tree that allowed multiple effects to be combined in intri-
cate ways.
Because these tools are not widely available across multiple applica-
tions, I am not going to cover them. There are application-specific training
topics and DVDs by myself and others that teach these tools, but this topic
was created to be product- and platform-agnostic, so the aim with this
book is to cover features, workflows, tools, and tips that can be accessed
by most colorists, regardless of the software or hardware that they have
access to.
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