Graphics Reference
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D e f i n i t i o n
duotone: A process that
reduces the color palette
of an image to two tones.
Sepia tone is a duotone
image with yellow or gold
and black ( Figure 4.73 ).
sepia tone: A duotone
image using yellow or gold
and black. The purpose
of sepia tone is usually to
give something an aged or
antique look. Sepia itself
is a brownish pigment or
color. The specific HTML
color list RGB coordinates
for sepia are 112, 66, 20
( Figure 4.74 ).
Fig. 4.73 Duotone filter.
bleach bypass: AKA skip
bleach. A film developing
process that bypasses
the bleach bath creating
an image that is more
contrasty and less satu-
rated because the silver
is retained along with the
color dyes of the film, cre-
ating an image similar to
laying black and white on
top of color ( Figure 4.75 )
Fig. 4.74 Sepia filter.
gradated filters: Filters
that are usually placed in
the matte box of a film
or video camera, a piece
of glass that is gradated
either from dark to light
or from one color to
another or from a color to
transparent. It is generally
referred to as a “grad”
and its purpose is often to
take some of the brightness
out of a harsh sky or to
add color interest to a
scene. (sometimes called
graduated or graded filters)
( Figure 4.76 b ).
Fig. 4.75 Bleach bypassfilter.
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