Graphics Reference
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Fig. 4.5 In Resolve's UI, in the 3-Way Color Corrector in the Color screen, the three thumbwheels under
the color wheels control the lift, gamma, and gain.
channel is just slightly elevated, indicating that there is some blue in the
shadows. To fix that, I will roll the lift trackball up just a bit toward the 10
o'clock position. This evens out the bottoms of the red, green, and blue chan-
nels. Then I'll pull the black levels back down by rotating the lift dial coun-
ter-clockwise until they reached 0% on the RGB Parade waveform. (That's
“anti-clock-wise” for our friends speaking the Queen's English.)
Using the highlight trackball, I rolled the highlights up toward 10
o'clock just like I did for lift. On the far left side of each color channel is a
thin highlight that is easiest to see in the green channel and hardest to see
in the red channel. I manipulated the highlight trackball until all three of
the color channels had the highlight at 100 percent on the RGB Parade
waveform. This is one of those instances when the better resolution of an
external waveform monitor really helps.
With those two changes made, the image looks much better balanced.
The last fix is to the gamma or midtones. Let's worry about balance first. To
balance this, I look at the angled diamond shape about halfway up each color
channel on the far right of the RGB Parade. This shape probably represents the
wall above the mirrored hutch to the right side of the frame, near the top of the
picture. I would guess that that wall should either be neutral or maybe even
slightly warm if it was painted in a eggshell or cream color. If that's the case,
then the diamond shapes should either match across all three channels or
maybe be slightly higher in the red and or yellow channel. To start with, let's
manipulate the midtone or gamma trackball to make the three diamond shapes
in the RGB Parade waveform monitor match ( Figure 4.7 ). Then maybe we can
look at the image and push it slightly warmer to see if it works. Finally, I'll
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