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neglect older people, the number of whom will considerably increase in France in
the years to come. In France, the law on accessibility was voted in on February 11,
2005. Accessibility is an essential condition to enable everybody to carry out acts in
daily life and to participate in social life. The law also anticipates the principle of
generalized accessibility, whatever a person's handicap (physical, sensory, mental,
psychological or cognitive). Access to information for people with reduced
visibility, the blind, those with reduced hearing, the deaf, or suffering from a mental
disability is therefore a major challenge for the organizing authorities. The idea is
still to develop services of digital assistance for mobility that take into account the
cognitive profile, handicap and past of each person and offer a human-machine
interface that is suitable and friendly. Numerous studies and research still need to be
conducted on this, however, with the integration and observation of users in the
cycle being carried out within Living Labs 6 .
1.7. Bibliography
[AMB 08] A MBELLOUIS S., G RANSART C., U STER G., L'Autobus Communicant - Projet TESS ,
rapport INRETS, no. 270, 2008.
[ANL 06] A NLI A., Méthodologie de développement des systèmes d'information personnalisés:
Application à un système d'information au service des usagers des transports terrestres de
personnes, PhD Thesis, University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis, France,
[BRO 08] B ROSSARD A., L'ingénierie dirigée par les modèles appliquée au développement
d'interfaces graphiques personnalisées: une approche à travers les processus métier, PhD
thesis, University of Valenciennes and Hainaut-Cambrésis, France, 2008.
[BRO 09] B ROSSARD A., A BED M., K OLSKI C., U STER G., “User modeling: the consideration
of the experience of time during journeys in public transportation”, ACM Mobility
Conference 2009 , ACM Press, Nice, France, 2-4 September 2009.
[FAI 96] F AIVRE J.P., Etude de Faisabilité sur la Mise en Place d'un Système d'Information
sur l'Offre de Transport Collectif de Voyageur - Phase 4: Préconisation, Technical report,
Paris, France, October 1996.
[GIL 97] G ILLES M., Les Attentes des Usagers, FIER Report No. 22, UTP, 1997.
[GRA 03] G RANSART C., R IOULT J., U STER G., “Mobile objects and ground transportation
innovative services”, Proceedings of PDPTA'03 , Las Vegas, USA, 2003.
6 A Living Lab (European quality label) groups together public and private players, as well as
players from companies, associations, individuals, with the objective of testing the services,
tools and new uses of systems on a “real scale”.
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