Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
1.6. Viewpoints
There are already a few small gestures being made on the planet: recycling
waste, turning off lights... what is the mobility in these actions? The cost of energy,
the protection of the planet, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and optimization
of rare mobility resources are about the extent of topics that the public is aware of.
We suggest introducing the concept of reasoned mobility [UST 04]. It is necessary
here to take the meaning of the term “reason” from 18 th Century philosophers, i.e. a
new impetus, an opening towards a more enlightened, more sustainable world.
Reasoned mobility in the sense of intelligent mobility! By analogy with an
intelligent transport system , which is an industry that road and automobile transport
in North America and Japan expect a lot of, but with a strong orientation towards
public transport, intuition and the responsibility of the public. The stakes of
reasoned mobility are to imagine services that help people get around, which
accompany the individual in his journey, by guiding him through the mysteries of
transport networks and instilling in him the precepts of sustainable development.
This involves appreciably bringing him to a change of modal behavior, which is not
radical but progressive, and even localized.
In terms of transporting people, broadcasting information is more often general
and collective. An initial level of refinement would be to contextualize information,
that is to say provide information targeted to a group of people who are in a given
situation. Nonetheless, as the possibilities of precise and individual localization and
the explosion of new IT services [UST 01c] show, the future is towards
“individualization”. To limit the amount of information that needs to be sifted
though, each person would like to receive information that is useful to them. The
personalization of information [UST 00] will be, without a doubt, a major stake in
the years to come. The individual is at the center of this device, the communication
“knot”, through which the thread of information must pass.
Furthermore, a summary of around 40 research projects carried out in the
context of the PREDIT [UST 08] has put forward the central position given to the
traveler in the mobility system. The projects wish to accompany the traveler in his
journey, in the exchange centers, during his shopping or to erase his handicap. Here
information plays a fundamental role and has the objective of giving value to all
multimodal offers and personalizing services according to his profile. The few
demonstrators developed in these projects favor personal nomad tools, personal
assistants, cell phones and other nomad computers. In terms of the human-machine
interface, however, it seems that information receptors are just simple copies of
desktop computers, but in a restricted way.
If the students and young members of the public are familiar with these small
screens and can manipulate touch interfaces with dexterity, it is not advisable to
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