HTML and CSS Reference
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Close the path
Draw the path, that is, fill the circle
Close draw1
function draw2() {
Start of draw2 function
var dotx;
Variable to be used for the horizontal position for
drawing the two dots
var doty;
Variable to be used for the vertical position for
drawing the two dots
Start a path
dotx = dicex + 3*dotrad;
Set the center of this dot to be 3 radius lengths
over from the upper corner of the die face,
horizontally and
doty = dicey + 3*dotrad;
… vertically
ctx.arc(dotx,doty,dotrad,0,Math.PI*2,true); Construct the first dot
dotx = dicex+dicewidth-3*dotrad;
Set the center of this dot to be 3 radius lengths in
from the lower corner of the die face, horizontally
doty = dicey+diceheight-3*dotrad;
… vertically
ctx.arc(dotx,doty,dotrad,0,Math.PI*2,true); Construct the second dot
Close the path
Draw both dots
Close draw2
Start of draw4 function
function draw4() {
var dotx;
Variable to be used for the horizontal position for
drawing the dots.
var doty;
Variable to be used for the vertical position for
drawing the dots
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