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configure it appropriately b
Webble's service call activa
SQL query was typed into
Webble would then do its t
in the result slot of the Web
the requested end result th
Webble and investigating th
the user realize that even th
XML, this XML needs to b
will respond. So what is ne
exist in the Webble reposito
before. After the XML man
the web service Webble an
Service response slot the us
from the service should tra
ble. This is done in the XM
do so. The user types in w
Finally the chart Webble is
data slot in the chart Webb
XML manager Webble. Af
keeping the small Webble a
and a second later a chart i
is now ready to be saved on
One can imagine more W
nerator Webble that remove
display the data in additiona
before connecting the buttons click slot to the web serv
ation slot, in order to easily fire new web service calls. If
the text box and the button was clicked, the web serv
thing and the response from the service call would end
bble. But since the response would be an XML which is
here are still some work to do. When loading the Ch
he slots available and the additional chart Webble interf
hough the chart Webble is happy to receive data in form
be formatted a certain way, which is not the way the serv
eeded is an XML converter Webble which luckily seem
ory. It seems such a Webble have been requested and u
nager Webble has been loaded and connected as a child
nd its input XML slot has been connected to the pare
ser needs to define to the XML manager the way the XM
ansform to become the format requested by the chart W
ML template slot which also contains instructions on how
what is needed and saves and close the slot property fo
connected as a child to the XML manager Webble and
ble is connected to the output XML slot in the parent
fter saving the construction on the local machine for s
app is tested. A query is typed in and the button is clic
s nicely drawn and displayed on the screen. This little
Webbles in this construction, for example a SQL Query
es the need to understand SQL syntax, or a table Webbl
al forms, but for this simple example we feel we are don
f an
d up
m of
m to
d to
w to
e to
Fig. 15.
. The final result of our little case study app
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