Information Technology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 14. A small subse
et of Webble applications crammed together in one image
A Case Study
In order to finally clarify a
study of a possible Webble
Imagine that a person ha
web service that can retriev
result as an XML. This pe
display its result in a graph
This is our suggestion on ho
The Web Service connec
ble World and the slot prop
this is given and saved. Th
return a list of available ser
one wanted which results
needed parameters required
and the SQL query. The us
instead save and close the s
interface of his creating, fo
ble. The Text input Webbl
then by right clicking it an
service Webble create a chi
tion form in the text input W
parameter slot in the parent
Then the user attach the b
any lingering questions, we wish to describe a simple c
development situation.
ave access to a database with some data and on top of th
ve data from that database via SQL queries and return
erson now wish to access this database, query it and t
and he (or she) have decided to use Webbles for this ta
ow to go about in doing so.
ctor Webble seems like a good start. It is loaded into W
perty form is opened. One slot wants the URI of the serv
he Webble then automatic contact the service and gets
rvice methods, also available as a slot. The user selects
in another set of slots that appears which represents
d by the service. In this case a database name a passw
ser fills in the first 2 and wait with the query for later
slot property form. Next the user wants to improve the u
or this is needed one text input Webble and a button W
le is also configured slightly to look better for its use
nd selecting assign parent, followed by a click on the w
ild parent relationship. Next the user opens the slot conn
Webble and connect the text slot in the child with the S
t. Now the user can feed queries more easily to the serv
button Webble as a child to the web service Webble
hat a
s in
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