Biomedical Engineering Reference
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I feel competent in this task and in using the tools.
I consider the planned working method to be safe.
I know what I can expect of the others during the task.
In case of external contractors, I know the role division between
the externals and the internals on this job.
We have agreed on how to communicate with each other to
express that it is safe to continue or to wait/stop when it is unsafe.
I feel free to discuss safety topics while working.
I know what the risky parts of the task are and how we can antici-
pate on them.
Employees from contractors have a higher level of understanding
about specific tasks, but probably lack fundamental knowledge about
the work process and the technical aspects of plants. Create space in
every toolbox meeting for sharing information about the system they
will work on, possible problems that may occur, and how to anticipate
Memory is partly situational: The place where you learn a fact
influences the storage of that fact. If you learn and retrieve a fact on
more locations, it is stored and retrieved better. So if you can
organize a toolbox meeting on a location (for example, in the control
room) that differs from the work location,
information is stored
Question: Can you organize toolbox meetings, and what do you
need to do to make them work?
Tip 2: Last Minute Risk Assessment (LMRA)
Definition: An LMRA is a final meeting on the spot with all the
workers involved that is fully focused on assessing possible risks.
A toolbox meeting should preferably precede an LMRA. If not, the
checklist from the toolbox meeting could be integrated into the
During the LMRA, all the possible risks involved with doing a task
are discussed once more. A checklist can be used to structure the meet-
ing. By signing the checklist, all participants acknowledge that they
understand the safety measures. In Chapter 10, we will discuss one of
the principles that support an LMRA, called priming. The manager
can stress the safety-first principle once more.
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