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completely different at work and at home (machinery, chemical sub-
stances), other dangers are exactly the same (boiling water, steps, cars).
The reaction to potential risks is conditioned, and this conditioning is
mostly independent of the situation. For the brain, the difference in
location (home versus work) only has a small impact on the condi-
tioned perception of risks.
If a company wants to reach a completely safe environment, gaps
between safety behavior at home and safety behavior at work have to
be reduced. Standards for safety behavior at home have to resemble
the level needed at work. Considering the fact that so much first aid is
delivered to people who experience domestic accidents, we can con-
clude that risk sensitivity at home in general is far too low and needs
to be upgraded.
Question: What can you as an employer do to increase the level of
risk sensitivity and safety behavior at home?
shops for the whole family, to create safety awareness at home that
equals the needed safety awareness at work?
Question: Would it be possible to organize
safety at home
Question: Would it be an option to distribute a safety kit for
enhancing home safety (smoke alarm, fire extinguisher, safety glasses,
hear protection, and so on)?
Tip 3: The Impact of Safety Messages
Of course, we want to stress the fact that the employer does everything
possible to improve the safety of the plant. This is very relevant, espe-
cially for external communication. But if we consider the example of
driving a car: Driving can never be safer than the behavior of the
driver, no matter how safe the car might be. The same is true for a
company. A plant can never be safer than the way it is operated.
Being very positive about the actual state of safety management cre-
ates an unwanted comfort zone that reduces risk sensitivity overall
(classical conditioning). Although external communication can be posi-
tive, internal communication should continuously stress the fact that
safety relies on the strength of the weakest chain.
Question: Any suggestions on how to handle this topic?
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