Biomedical Engineering Reference
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Fig. 5 Experimentally recorded stress histories for four incremental ramp-and-hold tests
performed on a single reconstituted collagen specimen [ 55 ]. The nominal strain increment is
0.0667 in all tests. The ramp portion is expanded in time scale for clarity. a Initial strain of 0;
b Initial strain of 0.0667; x c Initial strain of 0.1333; d Initial strain of 0.2000
0.2667, respectively. As the stress was zero initially, r o (e = 0) = 0. Calibration
k 1 , k 2 and k 3 required calculation of the model prediction of the hold stresses. For
the g i functions given by Eq. ( 51 ), the G i functions are:
; G 2 ð t Þ¼ s 2
; G 3 ð t Þ¼ s 3
1 e t = s 1
1 e t = s 2
1 e t = s 3
G 1 ð t Þ¼ s 1
ð 54 Þ
Substituting these into Eq. ( 45 ), the hold stress is:
e t = s i :
Þ þ 0 : 0667
e 20 = s i 1
r Hn ð t Þ¼ r o 0 : 0667n
k i 0 : 0667n
Þ s i
ð 55 Þ
i ¼ 1
The hold-relaxation stress prediction is, in this case, an exponential function
with the same exponents as the reduced relaxation functions:
Þ þ X
Þ e t = s i ;
r Hn ð t Þ¼ r o 0 : 0667n
c i 0 : 0667n
ð 56 Þ
i ¼ 1
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