Digital Signal Processing Reference
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assign W_re[1] = 16'h2D41; assign W_im[1] = 16'hD2BF;
// 0, -1
assign W_re[2] = 16'h0000; assign W_im[2] = 16'hC000;
// -0.707, -0.707
assign W_re[3] = 16'hD2BF; assign W_im[3] = 16'hD2BF;
module ButterFly
input signed [15:0] xi_re, xi_im, xj_re, xj_im, // Input data
input signed [15:0] W_re, W_im, // Twiddle factors
output reg signed [15:0] yi_re, yi_im, yj_re, yj_im);
// Extra bit to cater for overflow
reg signed [16:0] tempi_re, tempi_im;
reg signed [16:0] tempj_re, tempj_im;
reg signed [31:0] mpy_re, mpy_im;
always @(*)
// Q2.14
tempi_re = xi_re + xj_re; tempi_im = xi_im + xj_im;
// Q2.14
tempj_re = xi_re - xj_re; tempj_im = xi_im - xj_im;
mpy_re = tempj_re*W_re - tempj_im*W_im;
mpy_im = tempj_re*W_im + tempj_im*W_re;
// Bring the output format to Q3.13 for first stage
// and to Q4.12 and Q5.11 for the second and third stages
yi_re = tempi_re>>>1; yi_im = tempi_im>>>1;
// The output for Q2.14 x Q 2.14 is Q4.12
yj_re = mpy_re[30:15]; yj_im = mpy_im[30:15];
module Mux2To2
input [15:0] xi_re, xi_im, xj_re, xj_im,
input sel1,
output reg [15:0] yi_out_re, yi_out_im, yj_out_re, yj_out_im);
always @ (*)
if (sel1)
begin yi_out_re = xj_re; yi_out_im = xj_im;
yj_out_re = xi_re; yj_out_im = xi_im; end
begin yi_out_re = xi_re; yi_out_im = xi_im;
yj_out_re = xj_re; yj_out_im = xj_im; end
8.6 Mathematical Transformation for Folding
Many feedforward algorithms can be formulated to recursively compute output samples. DCT [20]
and FFT are good examples that can be easily converted to use recursions. Many digital designs for
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